Hardwood Floor Cleaning

Improve Household Health with Hardwood Floor Cleaning Services & Maintenance.

Allergens, soil, and other contaminants inevitably build up on floors, even after utilizing the appropriate wood floor cleaning products. When you choose an expert floor cleaning company, you keep your property healthier by reducing the amount of debris that can get in the air. Our professional cleaning will extend the life of your laminate or solid wood floors, too!

The steps we take...

Step 1: Inspection

Our professionally trained Wood Floor Cleaning technicians will perform a thorough inspection to identify any deep scratches and blemishes. They’ll also determine if your floor has an acrylic coating. It’s important to note that our process is not designed to repair deep scratches, gouges, discolorations, or stains in the wood and is not intended for use on bare wood floors.

Step 2: Polish and Acrylic Coating Removal

If the technician determines that your floor does have an acrylic coating or polish, it will be gently removed using our Wood Floor Polish Remover.

Step 3: Deep Cleaning

Next, we perform a deep cleaning of your wood floor that will remove dirt, debris, and any contaminants. The result is a sparkling clean, streak-free floor!

Step 4: Wood Floor Polish

The final step is an application of our Wood Floor Polish to highlight the natural beauty of your floor and the wood grain. Our polish also adds an additional protective layer to the surface of your floors until the next cleaning is needed.

Schedule an appointment.