How To Keep Your House Clean With Dogs

Published on 7 December 2023 at 18:56
  1. Brush often if your dog sheds. Brushing your dog helps remove dead hair, dirt, and dander. Brushing takes a few minutes and allows you to bond with your dog. If daily brushings aren’t feasible, try to brush them once a week, especially if your dog has a coat with long hair.
  2. Decorate with washable rugs. You can purchase washable indoor and outdoor rugs and doormats you can throw in your washer for a deep cleaning. Tossing a rug in the washing machine allows for easy cleanup, regardless of the amount of dirt your dog’s paws track in.
  3. Keep your dog’s bed and living space clean. Bacteria can collect on your dog’s bed, blankets, or crate pad. Regularly wash their bed and linens to prevent excess bacteria from spreading to your dog.
  4. Keep your pets off of the upholstery: Whether or not you allow your dog on the couch boils down to personal preference. Some dog owners love having their furry family members cuddle up next to them on the living room sofa. However, pets can wreak havoc on furniture by leaving behind dirt, dog hair, and stains. Restricting access to furniture is a reasonable choice that can help establish boundaries for your pet and prolong the lifespan of your furniture.
  5. Wipe their paws after being outside: When your dog finishes doing their business or playing outside, wipe their muddy paws with paw wipes, baby wipes, or warm water, dish soap, and a damp cloth before letting them back in the house. Designate a buffer zone or cleaning station to wash off your dog’s paws after a walk to help prevent your dog from tracking in mud or getting muddy paw prints throughout the house.
  6. Hire a house-cleaning service: Pet owners can benefit from hiring a professional cleaning service to help keep and maintain a clean house. Make sure to tell them you have a dog, so they can prepare the right equipment to remove dog fur and keep your house smelling and looking great.
  7. Purchase the right cleaning products: Having the right cleaning supplies will make house cleaning much easier. A lint roller is a lifesaver for hair removal, They quickly and efficiently get pet hair off of your clothes, upholstery, and other fabrics like curtains, pillows, or bed sheets. If you have hardwood floors, tile floors, or laminate floors, purchase floor cleaning solutions and a steam mop or a washable and absorbent microfiber cloth to wipe away dirt and grime.
  8. Bathe your dog regularly: As a general rule, most dogs benefit from a bath once a month, keeping the grooming needs of your dog’s coat top of mind. Certain breeds  (Labrador Retrievers) have oily coats and may need a bath as frequently as once a week. Other short- or medium-haired dog breeds tend to get by just fine with a monthly bath time. If your dog’s fur is long, consider brushing them more often than you bathe them. This helps keep your dog’s coat clean while distributing natural oils for a shiny, healthy coat.


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